Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Qualifying Expedition

Well done to our 51 year 10 students who successfully completed their qualifying expedition over a hot and sunny weekend.

The students were in 9 teams, all self-sufficient for the weekend – carrying everything they would need. The teams walked different routes of approximately 12km (8 miles) each day – although some wandered a bit further, and camped overnight on the Saturday.

Most teams were eager to walk early on the Sunday and were out of their tents by 06:00. After breakfast, and repacking tents and rucksacks, they were on their way before 08:00hrs.

This helped to avoid the rising heat of the afternoon, with most teams reaching their finishing points by 14:00hrs.

This expedition couldn’t have taken place without the support of our volunteers, who ensured the students were safe at main road crossings and topped up with water – so a big thank you to Mrs Chester, Mr Evans, Ms Gemel, Ms Leney, Ms McDonald, Ms Potton and Mrs Steele.

Our next DofE cohort will be recruited in late Saptember.

Mr Davis & Mr Briscoe

DofE Leaders

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GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August. Students will be able to collect their results from the main hall between 10am and 11am. Students should use the Rodmell Road entrance.