Dear Parent / Carer,
Spring mock examinations for year 11
Our year 11 students have been exemplary in their attitude and commitment during the mock exam period and have been a credit to themselves and the school. An important part of GCSE examinations is the regular experience of sitting papers in exam conditions. One of our successful strategies to support students in recent years, is to utilise our spring INSET days as part of their spring term examination programme. The full timetable for these exams is listed below:
Wednesday 1st February
0910-1055 – English Language component 1 (1 hour and 45 minutes)
1130-1300 – Maths Paper 1 (1 hour and 30 minutes)
Wednesday 15th March- INSET
0900-1030 – Maths Paper 3 (1 hour and 30 minutes)
1115-1315 – English Literature component 1 (2 hours)
Thursday 16th March
0920-1035/1105 – Chemistry Paper 1 (Trilogy-1 hour and 15 minutes/Triple-1 hour and 45 minutes)
1145-1330 – Biology Paper 1 Triple only (i hour and 45 minutes)
Friday 17th March
0910-1025/1055 – Physics Paper 1 (Trilogy-1 hour and 15 minutes/Triple-1 hour and 45 minutes)
For the INSET day exams students do not need to wear school uniform. All students will need to be in school and lined up outside the new sports hall at 0845 (any students who have extra time need to be lined up at 0825).
During the short break between exams students will be able to go outside near the amphitheatre or sit inside in the main hall & maths mall. Once the final exam has finished students will be dismissed from the front and back gates. We would ask where possible students do not bring into school anything not permitted within the exam hall, however students will have access to their lockers if required.
We appreciate your support with these arrangements and for the ongoing excellent support you have given to your children during year 11.
Yours sincerely,
Mr J Crane
Assistant Headteacher