Dear Parent/carer,
PLEASE ACT NOW: In school LFT testing at the start of the Autumn term 2021
As you may aware schools are being asked to run Lateral Flow Testing (two cycles separated by 3-5 days) for students as they commence school in the Autumn term. This is separate to any home testing. We have a plan in place to do this and will release the specific timings (by tutor group) closer to the start of term, however we first need consent.
We received an excellent (and very timely) response to gaining this last time with over 90% returns in a very short time frame. We need this speed of response again please (whether or not you are giving consent for your son/daughter to be tested).
How to give consent:
To give consent (or choose not to) is a very simple process. The only action we are requiring from all parents/carers now is to complete this form.
Below are some documents that provide further details regarding the process.
- Data protection Covid testing FAQs for parents
- HowtodoyourtestCOVID19instructionleafletforschools (003)
- Privacy Notice Durrington High School Covid testing.docx (003)
If you have more than one child you will need to please complete one form for each of them. If you have a younger child due to join Durrington in September this year a separate email (linking to the same consent form) will be sent.
Thank you in advance of your anticipated quick response & support.

Chris Woodcock
Head of School