Inset day – 25th June

Dear Parents / Carers

Reminder:  Inset day 25th June 2021

I am writing to remind you that, as per our published dates, the school will be closed to students for INSET training day on Friday 25th June 2021. 

If you have a child in year 9 or year 10 (or both) please also be reminded that:

  • Year 10:

Have their end of year internal exams commencing week beginning 28th June. The Inset day is a perfect opportunity for them to continue with revision and exam preparation.

  • Year 9:

Have their English orals in the last 4 weeks of this term commencing on 28th June.  These do form part of the GCSE course, the grades for these being recorded alongside their GCSE English grades in summer of 2023.

Yours sincerely         

Mr C Woodcock                               

Head of School

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GCSE Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August. Students will be able to collect their results from the main hall between 10am and 11am. Students should use the Rodmell Road entrance.