Home-testing Information

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Thank you for your support to date which has helped ensure a smooth return to school for all of our students. 

Today (Tuesday 16th March) all students who have been in-school have been provided with a personal home testing kit.  This is provided to ease the transition to home-based Covid testing as part of the wider plan for students returning to full time schooling.  Students are requested to carry out two home tests a week. Remember, if your child has any of the key Covid symptoms they should not use this test and should immediately isolate and have a PCR test booked. 

Key questions and answers:

Q. Will my son/daughter know how to take the test?

Yes.  All students are now experienced in self-administering the lateral flow tests.  However, they will be new to the results analysis part of the process.  Please don’t worry, it’s very simple and there is a leaflet provided showing them/you how to process the swap. There is also a useful video to watch that can help here.

Q. When should they take their tests?

The two tests should be spaced in the week, ideally 3-4 days apart from each other. The decision on which days is down to you.  If your child completes a test before coming to school please make sure there is sufficient time to determine the test result before school.  This is a key point regarding home-testing; avoiding asymptomatic people from mixing with others where possible.

Q. What should I do when I know the test result?

Please follow the instructions in the pack.  Any positive result must mean all household members and close contacts self-isolate and a PCR test needs to be booked ASAP to confirm the result.  All current national guidance must be followed.  

All test results should be reported to national Test and Trace and also here: Student test result form

Q. What if the test my child takes shows a void result?

Please take another test. 

Q. How should I dispose of the testing equipment?

All materials are fine to be disposed of in the normal household waste.


A negative result does not guarantee that the person taking the test is Covid negative.   All the current precautions and restrictions should continue to be followed at all times.  

We strongly encourage all students to continue to be part of the home-testing process; it’s in all of our interests to protect ourselves and each other.  Should you have any test-related questions please contact me on sdedman@durring.com. Thank you, for your ongoing support.

Mrs Dedman, 

Assistant Headteacher

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