Dear parent/carer,
Friday 26th February: Pre-return to school testing update
We are really looking forward to welcoming out students back and staff have been working hard to setup the testing system as soon as we can to support their return to school. As likely to know and understand the direction we are receiving from central government continues to change! We are however now ready to commence with the phased testing of students to enable their return to school. This letter details arrangements for students in all year groups between 2nd and 8th March 2021.
Students are not able to return to lessons before the 8th March; this letter is about the prereturn visits we need students to make to complete their first test. Details regarding the further two in-school tests and then the planned move to home-testing will follow.
A further letter will follow next week detailing the exact day and time each year group will return to school/lessons. If you have not consented for your child to take a lateral flow test you should wait for our next communication and not read any further. If you have consented for your son/daughter to be tested please read the following steps very carefully. To enable the testing of over 1600 people in just a week please make sure your son/daughter is clear about where they need to be and when. There is a FAQ section at the end of this letter which (we hope) will answer any other questions you may have.
Next steps please…
Step 1: If you haven’t completed it already please complete the consent for testing form. This is needed whether or not you intend to consent click here. The absolute deadline when the form must be closed is Monday 1st March at 9am.
Step 2: Use the table below to find out the specific time and date your child/children need to come to school for their first return-to-school lateral flow test. Students MUST NOT come onto site before the stated time and/or at any other time.
Students must not
- Come in for testing if they have any of the three main Covid symptoms
- Attend for testing if they have been told to isolate due to being clinically extremely vulnerable.
Students must also follow all current restrictions in place nationally (specifically this means that they are not to meet up/gather in groups/socialise on or around the site).
• Year 7: Pre-return testing day on Tuesday 2nd March
• Year 8: Pre-return testing day on Wednesday 3rd March
• Year 9: Pre-return testing day on Thursday 4th March
• Year 11: Pre-return testing day on Friday 5th March
• Year 10: Pre-return testing day on Monday 8th March

Step 3: Ensure you child attends school at the stated time, wearing a mask, and follows the route from the front of school, round the outside to the sports hall area. They will then line up (socially distanced) and be taken through the simple testing process. Once their test is complete they will leave the site immediately. Lessons will continue remotely at all times your child is not in school.
To be as clear as possible we have provided answers to common questions below. Please read these before contacting staff/the school regarding testing.
Please remember (as per previously communications) to ensure your child is school ready (uniform fits and personal presentation fits within consistent school expectations. Should you have any questions after reading this letter please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Dedman , Mr Fuller or Mr Woodcock
Thank you in advance of your support.
Head of School