Dear Parent/carer,
I am writing to update you with the plans we have for yr. 10 remote assessment week w/c 1st march. As mentioned before, the aim of the week is to give students a tangible focus to work towards. They will also be given additional feedback to inform the next stage of their learning. Following this, we aim to hold a remote yr. 10 parent/carers consultation evening on the 24th March. The timetable and assessment content can be found below for your reference.
Yr 10 assessment week timetable
Please see below the instructions on how students should complete their assessments:
- Students to go onto the yr. 10 assessment week classroom on google classrooms. The Curriculum leaders will post the assignment 30 minutes before the timetabled slot.
- Students will have a 1-hour timer attached to the assessment. When they decide to complete their assessment, as soon as they open it, students must complete their assessment within the hour. Exceptions are the arts or if your child is allocated extra time.
- Students will have a 24-hour completion deadline. This is to support any subject timetable clashes or I.T issues. This means they do not have to complete their assessment during the timetabled slot if easier, but must submit within the 24hr period.
- Even though Friday is regarded as an INSET day, year 10 will still have exams to complete if they study subjects timetabled on this day.
- We ask that any extra electronic devices are turned off while students are completing their assessments. This is so there is no plagiarism and students can focus on the work at hand.
The usual timetable for yr. 10 will be suspended during assessment week. This means there will be no timetabled remote lessons that week, only their assessments. By setting up the assessment week in this way we are trying to be as fair and consistent to all students. All non-assessment time has been given over to personal revision during the week (there will be no core SME or PE running).
*If your son/daughter has additional examination support, or is a key worker child currently at school, you will be notified separately regarding timings/locations and exam access support.
If you have any questions or need any support please do not hesitate to contact myself or your child’s company team.
Yours sincerely
Mrs S Temple
Assistant Head Teacher